From Masonic Literature, the only place where we
can get some understanding of the symbols we are confronted with
when we go to Rome and visit St Peter's Square. "The Sun
is symbolized by a point in the middle in Freemasonry.. In this
case the obilisk serves as the middle. The Ancient Astronomers
saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars, (l'Etoile
Flamboyante). The Sun is still symbolized by the point within
a Circle; and, with the Moon and Mercury or Anubus, in the three
Great Lights of the Lodge. .. (they) were ascribed peculiar divine
powers. (It is also) an emblem of UNITY. (Morals and Dogma ,
by Albert Pike- p. 486)
"The celebrated Labyrinth was built in honor of the
Sun; and its twelve palaces, like the twelve superb columns of
the Temple at Hieroplolis. The figure of the pyramid (on top
of the obelisk) and that of the obelisk, resembling the shape
of a flame, caused these monuments to be consecrated to the Sun
and the Fire. Obelisks were erected in honor ot the Sun. (Ibid.,
- p.459,460)
The worship of the Sun became the basis of all the religions
of antiquity. To them the Sun is author of life, heat, and ignition..
His (the sun's) beneficient influences caused his identification
with the Principle of Good; and the Brahma of the Hindus, the
Mithras of the Persians, and |
Athom, Phtha, and Osiris, of the Egyptians. the Bel of
the Chaldeans, the Adonai of the Phoenicians, the Adonis and
Apollo of the Greeks became but personifications of the Sun,
the regenerating Principle, image of that fecundity which perpetuates
and rejuvenates the world's existence. (Ibid., - p. 593)
Freemasons believe: "Man descended from the elemental
Forces or Titans [Elohim], who fed on the body of the Pantheistic
Deity creating the universe by self-sacrifice, commemorates in
sacramental observance this mysterious passion; and while partaking
of the raw flesh of the victim, seems to be invigorated by a
fresh draught from the fountain of universal life, to receive
a new pledge of regenerated existence. Death is the inseparable
antecedent of life; the seed dies in order to produce the plant,
and earth itself is rent asunder and dies at the birth of Dionusos.
Hence the significancy of the phallus,
or of its inoffensive substitute, the obelisk,
rising as an emblem of resurrection by the tomb
of buried Deity.. (Ibid., p. 393)
Not only Egyptians.., but every other people that consecrate
this symbol (the Phallus), deem that they thereby do honor to
the Active Force of the universal generation of all living things.
(Ibid., p. 402) |