Taken from "Under the New World Order"
by Wilson Ewin, Canada |
The Greatest Tragedy of all: "Jesus Christ is not
kown and therefore loved" (Public statement by Pope John
Paul II on March 30, 1979)
Gradually over the past 900 years canonized saints and
the Virgin Mary replaced Christ with Roman Catholicism. The absolute
preeminence. He received in early Christianity, became lost.
He is now seen as a helpless infant, dead on a cross or not shown
at all. The substitution is prominent in Church buildings, shrines,
holy places, publications, furnishings and worship. |
Does the description of the Roman Catholic Virgin
Mary fit the Biblical Description? Or do you know?
Here is the Roman Catholic description: The doctrine of
the Immaculate Conception affirms that "Blessed Virgin Mary
was preserved, in the first instant of her conception,
by a singular grace and privilege of God omnipotent and because
of the merits of Jesus Christ the Savior of the human race, free
from all |
stain of original sin" (from the declaration
of the dogma by Pope Pius IX, Dec. 8, 1854). The perfect sinlessness
of Mary had been taught by the Fathers of the Church.. The
Council of Trent excluded Mary from original sin in its decree..
(Catholic Encyclopedia, by Rev. Peter M.J.Stravinskas) |
The Virgin Mary made her appearance to three sickly
children at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. From this appearance and
ideological crusade ensued. Many other appearances have since
taken place. The Virgin's main message has been to induce the
Pope to bring about "the consecration of the World to her
immaculate heart." Among other things, the Virgin promised
that Russia would be Fatimaized and converted to Catholicism.
The Second World War seemed to play right into the Vatican's
hands when Hitler invaded Russia. It addressed the prophecy.
Hitler told Pope Pius XII that Communist Russia had been "definitely"
defeated, Pius XII, in a Jubilee Message, fulfilled the first
of the Virgin's injunctions and "consecrated
the whole World to her Immaculate Heart."
After the Hitler regime collapsed in October 1945 the Vatican
ordered that pilgrimages be organized to the Shrine. In 1946,
our Lady was solemnly crowned before half a million pilgrims.
The Crown, weighing 1,200 grams of gold, had 313 pearls, 1250
precious stones and 1400 diamonds. Pope Pius XII from the Vatican
addressed the pilgrims by radio, saying that our Lady's promises
would be fulfilled. "Be ready!"
From that point on the statue has visited 53 nations. Our
Lady appeared 15 times to a nun in the Phillipines. Another takeover
was plotted, this time with the help of the US CIA and Cardinal
Mindszenty. The Hungarian government was taken by surprise in
October of 1956. The plan again misfired. A counter revolution
intervened with Russian tanks and troops. WWIII was on the horizon.
Cardinal Mindszenty came to the US where he remained for twelve
years. John Foster Dulles, a foreign policy maker was in accord
with the Vatican Intelligence and conducted a foreign policy
based on threats of "Massive retaliation" - that is,
of atomic warfare. He acknowledged to the horrified world that
the USA had stood on the brink three times.
The Pope intensified the Cult of Fatima by adding lustre
and impetus. Catholic churches prayed for the "liberation"
- that is, for a speedy fulfillment of the "prophecy"
of Our Lady. (The Vatican's Holocaust, by Avro
Manhattan 1986) |
Revelation 12 addresses a woman clothed with the
sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of
twelve stars. She represents the nation of Israel with the twelve
tribes. Verse 12:13 "When the dragon saw
that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which
brought forth the man child."(He persecuted Israel.)
Revelation 17:4 speaks of another woman arrayed in purpole
and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and
pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations
and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was
a name written, Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots
and abominations of the earth. |

This page came from "Under the New World Order,
Evangelicals Catholics and Israel Conspiracy of the Ages Briefing
Today's Generation, by Wilson Ewin |
The war strategy obviously was not going to be successful.
A change in strategy had to be devised by the Vatican.
The Keys of This Blood: The Malachi Martin Analysis is
the best book to read to understand what happened to Roman Catholicism
in Vatican II.
Roman Catholicism ceased to exist from that point forward.
It was done away with forever. Roman Catholicism simply became
the catholic church, in other words the all inclusive universal
church, which includes all religions. The World Council of Churches
is one of the vehicles used among hundreds of others to accomplish
this goal. |

(above is taken from "You can lead Roman Catholics
to Christ," by Wilson Ewin, Canda ) |
December 12, 1984
Another Grace - Papal Grace
Believers in Christ's salvation rejoice in His
salvation by free grace through faith alone. Much of this is
outlined in the Epistle to the Romans.. "For by grace are
ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the
gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast" (Ephesians
The Roman Church teaches a form of grace that is
totally opposed to Biblical free grace. Grace, says Catholicism,
is a supernatural life which alone enables us to attain the supernatural
happiness of heaven" (My Catholic Faith, p.87) |